Saturday, July 2, 2011

My new juicer's coming!!

I ordered a philips juicer such as Jason vale uses. Bit cautious about it because it's centrifugal, but it looks good and I like jason's work very much. It should arrive on Monday, so I'm preparing to do his 7lbs in 7 days from Tuesday.  This is part of my resolve to "liven up" as I "come out of hiding". Since my post a couple of weeks ago, I've been actively working out the best way to go. Seeing myself in a dressing room mirror as I tried on a size 22 dress 2 days ago, was a big switching on of the internal light. And because my girls were with me, that made me feel like I could well be leading them onto a path I don't want them to travel. 
I am just soaking some wheatgrass, have ordered my juicer and natural supplements, have my shopping list prepared and am ready to go.
My motivation? To prevent myself going up to a size 24; to start shopping for clothes that I really like; to nourish my needs and liven up my life! And, so that I can face life with raw energy and optimism, shining my light so that I can do some good in this world.